
Listening to your body

August 10, 2015

Listening to your body

This past weekend I paid to learn the hard way. All week my feet were slightly hurting and then on Saturday I suddenly experienced the wrath of excruciating pain. To my dismay I couldn’t figure out where the problem was emanating from. After doing some research, I realized I have a bunion. Yes you read it right! I have a bunion; this was caused by the shape / design of the shoes I had been wearing.

For months now, I would see the bones on the sides of my big toe becoming red, but I just ignored it. Why would I do such a careless thing?

For sure from now on I will pay closer attention when my body is sending me a message. Therefore I beseech onto others that you should definitely pay attention to your body. Many a time we sometimes pass off simple pains or bruises as minimal and we adversely conclude that “it’s just something small and will go away”. Now I must confess that most of these little aspects do probably go away, but again our intuition must be on point also. What I am saying is be smart and still be vigilant of the signs our body sends us before they escalate into something further. Prevention is the best cure and even as we analyze a simple bunion, I must state that a lot of diseases such as cancer and even liver problems can affect our lives to a great detriment according to the health statistics. Our health is our responsibility and no one else’s.

When we acknowledge this fact, only then we can help ourselves live healthier or even prolonged lives just by merely fostering and cultivating the greatest machine that god ever gave us.

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