
Topic from my Friday Radio Show – Why Real Love is So Hard to Find

November 3, 2015

Why Real Love is So Hard to Find by Ram P. Ramcharran                  

If you are thinking you are the only one there that can’t find real love you are wrong. There are many people who are in the same situation and believe they are asking themselves the same question. Why can’t I find real love? You see the way that you form relationships may determine if real love is in your future or not.

What is love? Do you really know what love is when you find it? Or do you believe love is just fantasy or only found in the movies? Real love is something that happens slowly and lasts for a long period of time, perhaps even for life. You wouldn’t really know by today standards but it does still exist.

Love is an intangible object, so it isn’t something that we can actually grab on to. It is a feeling that occurs when two people believe that they want to be together and share intimacy. This normally doesn’t happen instantly, even though individuals may say that they knew they loved each other the minute their eyes met but that is far and few.

Finding a lasting relationship can be difficult, especially if you have an idea of the perfect partner in mind. It will be hard for others to measure up to your ideal mate, since everyone has faults. Even if you do find someone that measures up to your ideal, your partner may decide that you don’t measure up to his or her own standards. When this happens, the search for the ideal partner begins all over again UNTIL you can decide this is really who you want.

Expectations in Relationships

What are your expectations when you enter into a relationship? Do you approach every relationship as if it were going to last forever, or do you let things develop slowly over time? Rushing into an intimate relationship may scare your partner away, whereas letting your partner get to know you first may lead to a more lasting relationship. You see today with the instant gratification mind set people also have a tendency to want that as well in relationship. Also many todays look at relationship in a casual manner making it harder to really find connections.

Love Them and Leave Them

Loving and leaving people is never good, especially for the person getting left behind. If you do this frequently, you aren’t really ready for a mature loving relationship with anyone.

Let’s Just Be Friends

While forming relationships slowly is a good idea, stringing someone along is not and can make for bad behavior. Real love does develop over time, but letting your partner believe that this is a serious relationship when it is not, is wrong. Most people know whether or not there is a possibility of a lasting relationship within a few months’ time. Don’t lead people on because if you do remember the tides can also turn on you.

Fools Rush In

Jumping head on into any relationship may be considered foolish for several reasons. You may think you love someone immediately, but after a few days of intimacy, the reality of the situation can sink in. You may discover that you really don’t know much about the person and that can be frightening. The intensity of a passionate relationship may quickly diminish, leaving you wondering where the love went.  Be wise when it comes to your emotion and feelings.

Find Compatible Relationships

Finding real love is possible if you take the time to get to know someone. A real lasting relationship can’t be formed instantly. Doing things together is a great way to find out if you are compatible with another person. Sharing things together can lead to lasting relationship.

If you look at it from a wide angle the reason arrange marriages have a large success is that the expectations from both parties are similar and they make the effort to learn each other’s needs, wants, and desires and then a lasting bond forms. If you can get all that in a love marriage you are so much more ahead.



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