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April 16, 2014

Hello to my replenished bottle of non-toxic lotion my sis got me from Whole Foods, I use this on an every day basis, yes those sexy sweet smelling lotions from the major stores are tempting but at the end of the day I need/use what’s best for my body. (Hopefully you would to)

From my understanding petroleum products create a barrier that the lotion companies tell you will lock whatever moisture is already there into your skin. If you put it on wet skin, it does lock that moisture into the deeper tissues, though it still dries out the outermost layers of skin. It makes your skin slippery, but it repels moisture. Once it is on your skin it repels moisture away from your skin. Crazy isn’t it?

Visit this website to search for safer alternatives

It will also tell you the toxicity/safety level of conventional personal care products.
