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The light at the End of the Tunnel

September 9, 2014

The light at the End of the Tunnel

Sometimes in life due to constant challenges and unsuccessful endeavors, we feel like caving in and just giving up, especially after exhausting different avenues of hope. Questions cloud our minds, emotions flare and if we dare to allow it to take control, then we’re in trouble. Why? Because when we are down and at our pits, negative thoughts tend to flow superfluously and if only you allow it to rule your minds; it can lead to depression. I am a firm believer of feeling and embracing your emotions, I say cry and let it out, it is both therapeutic and enlightening to shed a tear if you have to.  At the end of the day, freeing our emotions in whichever way that makes our soul feel at comfort will bring at least a smile to our face. This helps to give us some time to reflect and evaluate the situation even thought we have faced it before. Finding a solution is the key and one should never revert to the point of shutting out the world and lashing out and becoming lesser than they should be.

While it’s easy to want to give up and ends things, I believe there is a way out.

This is where positive thinking should be implemented, keep reminding yourself about the great things in life, think of the things that you are thankful for at the moment, certainly being able to be alive should be on the list.

I personally endure sad days, where at times I just want to give up, but how can I? I know for a fact there are A LOT of people out there with much more issues. We have to uplift ourselves, if not we will crash. Understand that in life there are trials and tribulations, be a warrior. Go out do things, activities with friends and family, find a hobby. But know at the end of it all there is a light at the end of the tunnel, belief, hope and keep positivity your prime focus.