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March 6, 2014


There is a reason why there are so many self-assuring articles published frequently in periodicals and related scripts that are geared toward today’s readers. They serve as constant reminders to our current generation that we are all distinct, unique and exceptional in our personal ways.

Yes! We are all beautiful; however sometimes we tend to forget our truly inimitable we can be. With the craze of the social networking sites, there’s a desire to upload a pic often, and a need for it to be appealing. That glamour selfie before we hit the club or the provocative envious shot of you and your better half lying on the shore of the Bahamas. We may even take numerous shots before we find that “money shot” of ourselves where our face is at the perfect angle whilst accentuating our facial features. I say forget about the classic “turn to the side pic”, I mean there is nothing wrong with finding that perfect posture for pictures, but most do it because of the “look thinner” notion. Think about this; we live in our bodies, why not embrace and appreciate one of the most valuable things to we own. What’s this am talking about? Our Body’s of course! We are merely, skin, flesh, organs and bones with a couple pints of blood pumping through our heart. Sure there are a few things, if I had the power to I’ll change about my body. Actually not even surgery could fix my disliking, but surely I can work around it.

Weather you’ve been bullied while growing up and told hurtful things about your body, or currently finding faults within yourself, I would say get naked; stand in front of a mirror and adore yourself. Model, smile, embrace and be proud of you. If there are things you can change and have desiring to, do it. Procrastination keeps you stagnant, if you don’t make the time to do it then who else will? Personally, sometimes I find it difficult for me amidst my busy schedule to go to the gym, so I do my best to work out in the mornings before I hit the shower. Even if its fifteen minutes of dedicated time, it’s still better than sulking and suffering from the “coulda – woulda – shoulda” mentality.

I believe the experts when they say there are certain clothes for different body types, find yours. When you’re in a dressing room and you try on something and you don’t feel it; don’t buy it. Shop around until you find something that makes you feel confident and sexy. It’s like I always say to my girlfriends, “sometimes the right attitude can bring out the best in your ensemble and attire”. In other words, keep your head high and work it!

A happier you can definitely empower your every move; whether it be at work, social gatherings, or even in your bedroom doing hanky panky with the lights on. Feeling more confident surely radiates and exudes from our demeanor, plus it shows. Recently I was scrolling through Instagram and saw this group picture of beautiful women all in a row, some slouched, a few was not into the pic, but at the end of the day the pic was uploaded and will remain there forever. My point is – find your perfect pose and ALWAYS get into picture mode. Manifest that model stance, stand up proud, smile with confidence and own the spotlight.