
My Open Mic Experience

May 3, 2016

It was a chilly Wednesday morning as I googled open mic events in my area and found a few. After calling some places, I landed on one that seemed plausible. I noticed the twitter account for the promoter and I tweeted him. We exchanged quite a few interactions and I made up my mind to attend his event which was being held that same evening. Around 6pm I took a cab to the train station, it was about a 40 mins ride, after which I had my phone displaying a map to help me navigate to the venue. I walked into the basement of the hotel and noticed right away the gentleman with whom I was tweeting with name Michael P Geffner. We shook hands, I paid him the admission fee of $10 and I was carded for position 12.

I looked around the room, it was filled with different nationalities and a variety of performers. I was so eager to find out what an open mic was all about. I found a seat in the third row, and decided upon a center seat. The room was dark and they had different monograms playing in the background. The event was scheduled to start around 7pm but started at 7:20pm. The emcee came on and notified us that there will be 4 special guests performances by poets first then the open mic will begin.

The first person came on and recited about 5 poems which were all memorized. The others did a combination of singing and even drama pieces. Alas! The open mic started. This time it was different than being in the classroom. I was in an environment where I knew my name was going to be called to speak. Everyone in the room was there for a purpose; the love of poetry, for their music to be heard to let out to the world what they had been working on. At one point I wanted to walk out the door. I felt nervous as I thought; how could this girl who emceed SO MANY live stage shows feel this way.

I knew why it was new to me, never in my life had I attended an open mic. But I needed to stay and be strong. I listened to good comedians as well as bad ones also. I recall this one gentlemen’s poem sounded like it was written by a 10 year old, but for the most part everyone was good. I reflected to one of the stories we read for class entitled “Elevators”.  This one performer by the name of big Mike had a powerful performance about pantyhose. He was so good, he was dramatic and had the audience laughing because of his love for pantyhose. As my turn approached I turn to the girl next to me and asked if she would be kind enough to record my performance and she did. Though I went alone just like, everyone cheered on for me as the atmosphere possessed a common camaraderie which we lived off. I introduced myself to the audience and they all cheered me on.  I went ahead and red my short story entitled “Red Shoes”. When I was done, everyone clapped and commented that I was great. Personally I think they were being kind. It was different for me actually being present there, as it was out of my comfort zone and conversely surrounded by other students and strangers with guitars, costumes and tattoos.

I learned that our professors will push us and make us do things out of our comfort zones. It was the first time in my life attending and I will surely do it again.

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1 Comment

  • Reply A Bawnie May 5, 2016 at 4:51 pm

    sounds good, I got to perform this saturday at an event. so I will take some of this into consideration .

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